why do new homes have small patios?

In recent years, many new homeowners have been scratching their heads at the trend of newly built houses featuring surprisingly small patios. Considering the importance of outdoor living spaces for relaxation and entertainment, it can seem counterintuitive for builders to skimp on patio size. However, there are several reasons behind this trend that are worth exploring.

In this article, we’ll delve into why new homes often come with small patios, what homeowners can do if they crave more outdoor space, and how to find the right patio contractors for a successful patio extension.

Understanding the Small Patio Phenomenon

Cost and Space Considerations

When it comes to building new homes, developers have to balance the cost of construction with the potential selling price of the property. Larger patios mean more materials and labor, which can increase the cost of the home significantly. Additionally, space is at a premium in many developments. By creating smaller patios, builders are able to save space for other features or additional units in the neighborhood.

Standard Designs and Customization Options

Many new homes are built with standard designs that appeal to the broadest range of potential buyers. These designs often include a small, basic patio that can be expanded or customized by the homeowner after purchase if they desire. This approach allows builders to keep initial costs lower while giving buyers the flexibility to personalize their outdoor space.

The Desire for Patio Extensions

Despite the small patios that come with new homes, many homeowners look to expand their outdoor living areas. A larger patio provides more room for outdoor furniture, grilling, and gatherings with friends and family. It can also enhance the home's aesthetic appeal and increase its value.

Assessing the Need for More Space

Before deciding on a patio extension, homeowners should consider how they intend to use their outdoor space. If frequent entertaining or outdoor dining is anticipated, a larger patio might be necessary. However, for those who prefer a quaint area for morning coffee, the existing small patio may suffice.

Exploring Design Options

When it comes to extending a patio, the design possibilities are endless. Homeowners can opt for a simple expansion of the existing space or incorporate new elements like fire pits, outdoor kitchens, or pergolas.

Hiring Patio Contractors

Finding the right contractor is crucial for a successful patio extension project. For tips for locating and working with patio contractors, see our post about hiring patio contractors here.

Concrete Patios: A Popular Choice

Advantages of Concrete

Concrete patios are a popular choice due to their durability, low maintenance, and versatility in design. Concrete can be shaped into any pattern and stained or stamped to resemble more expensive materials like stone or brick.

Working with Concrete Specialists

For homeowners opting for a concrete patio, it's essential to work with specialists who have experience in concrete work. These contractors will understand the nuances of working with concrete, such as proper curing times and weather considerations.

Maximizing Small Patio Spaces

For those who are not ready to undertake an extension, there are ways to maximize the utility of a small patio.

Smart Furniture Choices

Choosing the right furniture can make a small patio feel more spacious. Opt for pieces that are proportional to the space and serve multiple purposes, like a bench that doubles as storage.

Vertical Gardening

To add greenery without taking up valuable floor space, consider vertical gardening options. Wall-mounted planters or trellises can provide a lush backdrop without encroaching on the patio area.

The Benefits of Extending Your Patio

Increased Home Value

A well-designed patio extension can significantly increase the value of a home. It enhances curb appeal and adds usable living space, making the property more attractive to potential buyers.

Improved Quality of Life

An extended patio offers more room for relaxation and enjoyment of the outdoors. It becomes a personal retreat and a place to make memories with loved ones.


Extending a patio allows homeowners to create a space that reflects their personal style and meets their specific needs. It's an opportunity to personalize a new home and make it truly theirs.


While small patios might be the norm for new homes due to cost, space, and standardization reasons, homeowners are not limited to the builder's design. Patio extensions are a feasible solution for those who desire more outdoor living space, and with the right approach, they can be a valuable addition to any home.

Whether you choose to work with patio contractors for a full extension or maximize your existing space with smart design choices, the most important aspect is creating an outdoor area that suits your lifestyle and allows you to enjoy your home to the fullest.

By understanding the reasons behind small patios and the options available for expansion, homeowners can make informed decisions that enhance both their property value and their enjoyment of their home.


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